Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sleep Soundly Next to a Husband Who Snores: How Sound Masking Helps

Photo credit:  Photostock
He swirled you around, put his arms around your waist and motioned to kiss you on the lips, then you woke up to the incessant barking of your neighbor’s dog.  What a kill joy!  

Fortunately, you married the man in your dreams who swirled you around, with his arms on your waist as he planted a kiss on your lips on your wedding day.  It was a dream come true - until you found out that he snores like a cow being led to the slaughterhouse!

Falling asleep next to a husband who snores can be a BIG challenge.  Even footsteps around the house can chase sleep away while you are trying to catch it, what more of a big snore?  But these are some distractions you cannot easily turn-off; you just have to live with them.  Lack of sleep saps energy and impairs clarity of your mind to form opinions and make judgments.  This can affect your work.  Many ailments, such as depression, hypertension, heart disease and diabetes can be traced back to a lack of sleep. The best solution is to purchase a personalwhite noise machine.

A personal white noise machine is lightweight, portable and generally, reasonably-priced.

Since personal white noise machines are portable, you can carry one in your purse wherever you go and enjoy a restful nap anytime and anywhere you like.  There is a plethora of white noisemachines for home or office use; there are white noise machines for travel, too.  

What Does it Do?

Sound masking system is the innovative technology behind every unit of white noise machines.  It introduces low level sound variants, mostly natural sounds of waves, streaming waters or raindrops, to an environment you want to be treated for intruding noise.  The low level sound from a white noise machine masks the intruding sound and renders it incomprehensible to your ears.  

How’s That Again?

Sound masking, a.k.a. white noise is produced from “frequencies of equal amounts”, and therefore has no structure, and entirely incomprehensible.  Intruding noise, on the other hand, such as foot traffic or your husband’s snore, is produced by specific frequencies, has structure and intelligible.

When white noise in introduced in a noisy environment, it masks the noise with its unstructured sound, rendering it unintelligible as well.  As it is something that the brain cannot understand, it cancels the noise out.  What you get is a good night’s rest.

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